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If you love alpha males, mature heroines who know their own minds, emotionally complex plo

If you love alpha males who aren't a-holes, mature heroines who know their own minds, and emotionally complex plots with spicy love scenes, you'll love my books. 

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Mate Match Agency

Now Available in Kindle Unlimited

Welcome to the future. Step into a divided world: the infected and the noninfected. Fear runs deep on both sides, as survival becomes the sole obsession. Three women make a daring choice, seeking the Mate Match Agency, which pairs noninfected women with infected men. Is it a bold move or a grave mistake? Uncover the answer in your copy today.

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If you love alpha males, mature heroines who know their own minds, emotionally complex plo

I love audiobooks. A great narrator can make a good book even better. I believe I have some of the best. 


The Griffin's Woman

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Fantasy Island: Star Dreams

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True Mates: Alpha in Charge

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One Stop

If you love alpha males, mature heroines who know their own minds, emotionally complex plo

Readers sometimes ask how they can become one of my beta readers. Thanks to Laterpress, I now have a new subscription plan that allows readers to read as I write

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Contract Brides: Selene Prepay

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Read as I write

Действует 12 мес.

Includes "Contract Brides: Selena Chapter 1"

Current Work In Progress


Five Years.

An insane amount of money.

One Catch.

For newlywed Selena Demetriou, the plan was straightforward. Accompany Bain for his off-planet job, endure five years, and amass a small fortune to secure their future. When the marriage clause in their employment contract is enacted, will Selena and Bain survive the fallout, or lose everything they've worked so hard to achieve? (Please note: This is a first draft that has not been professionally edited.)

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